The perfect gift for friends and loved ones
How to get started:
Decide who you want to design a custom card game for. You-ish is the perfect gift for friends and family and is appropriate for all holidays and celebrations. If you're on this site you've probably already done this step but we do have a warning: If you gift this product in a group setting, the entire rest of the group will be jealous and upset that they didn't get one. You've been warned.
Design the game! Click on the 'Customize' page to start customizing. By filling out the form in its entirety, you will have designed more than 20 custom cards (including characters and items) and a custom instructions booklet. We encourage you to be creative and unique with your responses. We want these games to be as personal and special as possible but we can only work with your responses. Additionally, when designing characters please keep in mind that we try our best to include as many options as we can but we acknowledge that we are always going to be missing something. That is why we have a future suggestions box so that we can continue to build our visual portfolio. However, these characters are cartoon style so they don't have to perfectly look like the intended person for the effect to work.
Order and enjoy! The product should arrive within a month of ordering.
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